Athens, Greece
2013 – 2017
60.000 m2
Vassilis Alexandros Poutetsis was invited in 2013 from the J/V “BOGRIS-ELYTRON” to join the architectural development team that was formed in order to support the Contractor J/V “IMPREGILO S.p.A. – TERNA S.A.” of the internationally awarded SNFCC. The team came across numerous challenges, such as managing the project’s scale, coordinating multiple disciplines, editing, and organizing thousands of construction drawings, amongst others. While being on-site throughout the whole period of the construction, VAP was later assigned by the Contractor, the construction drawing’s follow-up and upon delivery of the project, the coordination of the final revision of the Building Permit. Our involvement in the implementation of SNFCC formed a new era for the team, broadened our horizons and gained invaluable experience. Since the delivery of the project, VAP has been invited several times by the same Contractor and later by others to support the construction drawings and the permitting process of additional projects that have been executed throughout the operation of the SNFCC.
Click here to read the project description by the Lead Architect – RPBW.
J/V Impregilo S.p.A. -TERNA S.A. (2015-2017)
24 Tombazi St.
Chalandri, 15232
Athens, Greece
T. +30 210 800 32 62
Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 18:00
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